Our youth ministry is comprised of students from 6th through 12th grade. We meet together on Wednesday at 5:30 PM for dinner. At 6:00 PM, we enter into a time of games and fellowship before studying God's Word together.
The years of adolescence are a critical time as students prepare to become adults. It is our aim in youth ministry that our students are firmly connected to Christ Jesus as He is revealed to us in Scripture. We also strive to help our students adopt a biblical worldview, provide answers to hard questions, and encourage them to live lives of faith, hope, and love in a world that is faithless, hopeless, and hardened to the things of God.
We are currently studying the Gospel according to Matthew.
Jayden Harrison
Zoe Adams
Hunter Harrison
Levi Sanders
Kelsie Sanders
If you're in need of some new tunes, check out this playlist. This playlist will be constantly updated to include great songs of the faith to encourage our students. Many of these songs we will try to sing as often as we can!
Getting into God's Word is of primary importance. We don't neglect to eat food, and just the same we ought not to neglect the reading of God's Word – which is our spiritual food. Check out the reading plan for 2025!